
  1. 眼部感染:狗狗的眼睛发红可能是由于细菌或病毒感染引起的。这种情况下,狗狗可能会出现眼屎增多、流泪等症状。

  2. 眼部过敏:法国斗牛犬可能对某些物质过敏,如花粉、灰尘或宠物的毛发等,导致眼部发红和瘙痒。

  3. 眼部异物:如果狗狗的眼睛中有异物,如灰尘、草屑或昆虫,这可能导致眼睛发红和不适。

  4. 眼部干燥:眼睛干燥也可能导致眼睛发红,尤其是在干燥的环境中。

  5. 眼内压增高:法国斗牛犬属于短鼻犬种,这类犬种更容易患有青光眼,这是一种眼内压增高的疾病,可能导致眼睛发红和疼痛。

  6. 遗传因素:某些犬种天生眼睛容易发红,法国斗牛犬也可能有这种遗传倾向。


  • “French Bulldog Eye Redness: Causes and Treatments” from the website Dogtime, which discusses various causes of eye redness in French Bulldogs and suggests treatments and when to seek veterinary care.

  • “Common Eye Problems in French Bulldogs” from the website VCA Hospitals, detailing several eye issues that French Bulldogs may face, including redness and how to manage them.

  • “French Bulldog Eye Infections: Symptoms and Treatment” from the website PetMD, offering information on symptoms of eye infections in French Bulldogs and recommended treatments.