
  1. 食物中毒:如果斗牛犬肉被污染,如含有细菌(如沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌)或毒素,可能会导致食物中毒。症状可能包括恶心、呕吐、腹泻、头痛、发热等。

  2. 过敏反应:某些人可能对狗肉中的蛋白质过敏,这可能导致过敏反应,症状可能包括皮疹、呼吸困难、肿胀等。

  3. 营养不足:狗肉的营养成分与人类所需的营养不同,长期或大量食用可能导致营养不均衡。


  • “A person who consumed dog meat experienced food poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.”

  • “There have been rare cases where consuming dog meat has led to allergic reactions in individuals who are sensitive to dog proteins.”

  • “Dog meat does not provide the same nutritional value as human food and may lead to nutritional deficiencies if consumed excessively.”
