
  1. 体形:成年黑法国斗牛犬体型较小,体重一般在20-30公斤之间,身长约为35-45厘米。

  2. 毛色:毛色为纯黑色,包括皮肤、毛发和眼睛。

  3. 头部:头部宽阔,呈方形,皮肤松弛,有明显的皱褶。

  4. 眼睛:眼睛小而圆,颜色通常为棕色或黑色。

  5. 鼻子:鼻子宽大,颜色为黑色。

  6. 耳朵:耳朵小而圆,位置较低,通常向两侧下垂。

  7. 身体:身体结实,肌肉发达,胸部宽厚。

  8. 腿部:四肢短而粗,站立姿势稳定。

  9. 尾巴:尾巴短而粗,向上卷曲。

  10. 性格:黑法国斗牛犬性格温和、忠诚,对家庭成员非常友好,适合家庭宠物。


  • “Black French Bulldogs are known for their distinctive black coat, which is a result of a genetic mutation. They have a similar temperament to other French Bulldogs, being affectionate and playful.“(黑法国斗牛犬以其独特的黑色毛发而闻名,这是由基因突变引起的。它们的性格与其他法国斗牛犬相似,非常亲人和好动。)

  • “These dogs require regular grooming to maintain their coat and to prevent skin issues due to their wrinkles. They are prone to certain health problems, such as hip dysplasia and allergies, so it’s important to provide proper care and regular vet check-ups.“(这些狗需要定期梳理毛发以保持毛发状态并防止皮肤问题,由于它们的皱褶,它们容易患有某些健康问题,如髋关节发育不良和过敏,因此提供适当的护理和定期兽医检查非常重要。)

  • “Black French Bulldogs are great companions for families with children, as they are gentle and patient. They do well in apartments or homes with small yards, as they do not require a lot of exercise.“(黑法国斗牛犬是家庭有孩子的理想伴侣,因为它们温和、耐心。它们适合公寓或小院子的家庭,因为它们不需要太多的运动。)