
  1. 环境温度:如果环境温度过低,狗狗可能会因为寒冷而发抖。确保狗狗所在的环境温暖舒适。

  2. 疫苗反应:狗狗在接种疫苗后可能会出现短暂的发抖或不适,这是疫苗的副作用之一。

  3. 健康问题:发抖也可能是健康问题的迹象,如:

    • 低血糖:特别是如果狗狗刚进食后发抖,这可能是低血糖的症状。

    • 寄生虫感染:如心丝虫等,可能导致狗狗出现不适和发抖。

    • 神经系统问题:如脑炎或脑瘤等,也可能引起狗狗发抖。

    • 消化不良:如果狗狗吃了不适合的食物,可能会导致消化不良,进而引起发抖。

  4. 焦虑或紧张:有些狗狗可能会因为焦虑或紧张而发抖,特别是在新环境中或遇到陌生人时。

  5. 遗传因素:某些狗狗品种可能天生更容易出现发抖的情况。


  • “French Bulldog Shaking at 3 Months: Possible Causes and Solutions” - This article discusses the various reasons why a French Bulldog might shake at three months old and offers some solutions.

  • “Why Is My French Bulldog Shaking? Common Causes and Remedies” - This piece provides an overview of common causes of shaking in French Bulldogs and suggests remedies.

  • “French Bulldog Health: Understanding Shaking and Tremors” - A guide that explains the health issues that could cause a French Bulldog to shake and what to do about it.
