French Bulldog AKC Standard

General Appearance:

The French Bulldog is a small, robust, and muscular dog with a distinctive bat-like face. It is known for its friendly and affectionate nature. The breed should exhibit a well-balanced, square appearance with a compact body.

Size, Proportion, and Substance:

Height: Males and females should not exceed 13 inches (33 cm) at the withers.

Proportion: The body should be square, with a length to height ratio of 1:1.

Substance: The French Bulldog should be solid and muscular, with a well-developed chest and a strong back.


The head is one of the most distinctive features of the French Bulldog. It should be large, round, and broad, with a well-developed foreface. The stop is well-defined, and the eyes are large, round, and dark. The ears are large, heavy, and dropped, often described as bat-like.


The neck is short, thick, and muscular, blending smoothly into the shoulders.


The body is short, compact, and muscular. The chest is deep and well-developed, with a slight rise behind the elbow. The back is short and strong, and the loins are broad and muscular.


The tail is naturally short and set high, carried in a curve over the back.


The legs are short, strong, and straight. The pasterns are strong and slightly bent.


The feet are small, round, and compact, with well-arched toes and dark nails.


The coat should be short, smooth, and glossy. Acceptable colors include brindle, fawn, white, and any solid color, with or without white markings.


The French Bulldog moves with a distinctive, easy gait. The front legs move straight ahead, and the back legs move in a straight line.


Any deviation from the standard should be considered a fault and the seriousness of the fault should be in proportion to its degree.


Any dog showing a physical or behavioral defect that adversely affects its health or welfare, or that makes it unsuitable to be a member of the breed, should be disqualified.