
  1. 血管性水肿:这是一种常见的过敏反应,可能导致脸部肿胀。症状可能包括呼吸困难、皮肤发红和瘙痒。

  2. 感染:如牙菌斑、牙齿感染或中耳炎等,都可能引起脸部一侧的肿胀。

  3. 颚部腺体感染:法国斗牛犬的颚部腺体感染可能导致脸部一侧肿胀。

  4. 血管炎:这是一种炎症性疾病,可影响血管,导致肿胀。

  5. 肿瘤:虽然不常见,但脸部一侧的肿胀也可能是肿瘤引起的。

  6. 颚部骨折:如果颚部受到撞击或受伤,可能导致脸部一侧肿胀。


  • “French Bulldog Lumps on One Side of Face: Causes and Treatments” from PetMD: “Lumps on one side of a French Bulldog’s face can be caused by a variety of conditions, including allergies, infections, or even tumors. It’s important to have a vet examine your dog to determine the cause and recommend the appropriate treatment.”

  • “Why is My French Bulldog’s Face Swollen?” from The Spruce Pets: “Swelling in one side of a French Bulldog’s face can be caused by a number of issues, including allergies, infections, or trauma. It’s important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause and to receive proper treatment.”

  • “French Bulldog Face Swelling: Causes and What to Do” from Dogtime: “If a French Bulldog’s face is swollen on one side, it could be due to an infection, allergy, or even a tumor. It’s crucial to take your dog to the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.”
