
  1. 耳朵形状:法国斗牛犬的耳朵是下垂的,两个月大的幼犬耳朵可能还未完全展开,耳朵的顶部可能略显尖,但随着年龄的增长,耳朵会逐渐变得更为圆润。

  2. 耳朵大小:在这个年龄,耳朵的大小与整个头部相比可能显得较大,但随着犬只的成长,耳朵的比例会逐渐变得协调。

  3. 耳朵颜色:法国斗牛犬的耳朵内部通常呈现粉红色,随着年龄的增长,耳朵的颜色可能会逐渐变深。

  4. 耳朵清洁:两个月大的法国斗牛犬耳朵可能还没有完全打开,耳朵内的分泌物可能会比较多,需要定期清洁以防止感染。

  5. 耳朵健康:检查耳朵是否有红肿、异味或者异常分泌物,这些都是耳朵健康问题的迹象。


  • “French Bulldog puppies typically have large ears that are not yet fully opened at two months of age. The ears are floppy and may be a bit pointed at the top, but as they grow, they will become more rounded.” - French Bulldog Club of America

  • “At two months, French Bulldog puppies’ ears are still developing. They may be a bit floppy and not as rounded as they will be when fully grown.” - PetMD

  • “It’s important to keep the ears of a two-month-old French Bulldog clean to prevent infections. As the puppy grows, the ears will continue to develop and become more proportionate to the head.” - The Spruce Pets
