
  1. 激动或兴奋:当法国斗牛犬遇到主人、其他宠物或新环境时,它们可能会因为兴奋或激动而出现抖动。

  2. 冷却机制:法国斗牛犬的体型较胖,散热能力较差,因此在活动后或遇到冷环境时,它们可能会通过抖动来产生热量,帮助身体保持温暖。

  3. 焦虑或紧张:如果法国斗牛犬感到焦虑或紧张,比如在陌生的环境中或即将进行兽医检查时,它们可能会出现抖动。

  4. 健康问题:某些健康问题也可能导致法国斗牛犬抖动,如甲状腺功能低下、神经系统疾病或关节疼痛等。

  5. 营养不良:缺乏某些营养素也可能导致狗狗出现抖动,例如缺乏维生素或矿物质。

  6. 年龄因素:老年法国斗牛犬可能会因为肌肉退化或关节问题而出现抖动。


  • “French Bulldogs can shake due to excitement, anxiety, or as a response to cold temperatures. It’s also a way for them to regulate their body temperature and may be a sign of nervousness or discomfort.” - PetMD

  • “Dogs may tremble or shiver for a variety of reasons, including excitement, fear, anxiety, cold temperatures, or as a result of a medical condition.” - ASPCA

  • “Shaking in dogs can be caused by a range of factors, from excitement and nervousness to medical issues. It’s important to consider the dog’s overall health and behavior to determine the cause.” - The Spruce Pets
