
  1. 历史背景:法国斗牛犬最初被培育用于斗牛游戏,这种游戏需要犬类有勇气和坚定的性格。因此,它们可能保留了这种天性的一部分。

  2. 遗传因素:斗牛犬的遗传特性可能导致它们在某些情况下显得较为警觉和好斗。

  3. 社会化不足:如果法国斗牛犬在成长过程中没有充分的社会化,它们可能对陌生人或新环境感到恐惧或攻击性。

  4. 领地意识:斗牛犬可能对它们认为是自己领地的地方表现出强烈的保护欲。

  5. 疼痛或不适:如果法国斗牛犬感到疼痛或不适,它们可能会通过咆哮或攻击来保护自己。

  6. 错误的训练:如果主人对斗牛犬的训练方法不当,可能会强化它们的攻击性。

  7. 健康问题:某些健康问题,如甲状腺功能低下或犬类焦虑症,也可能导致斗牛犬行为异常。


  • “French Bulldogs can be very protective of their owners and territory, which can sometimes lead to aggressive behavior. This is a natural instinct that is often exaggerated by improper training or lack of socialization.” - PetMD

  • “The French Bulldog is known for its stocky build and loose skin, which can make them appear more intimidating than they actually are. However, this breed can be quite gentle and affectionate when well-trained and socialized.” - The Spruce Pets

  • “French Bulldogs are often perceived as being aggressive or mean due to their intimidating appearance and the breed’s history in bull baiting. However, this is a misconception. With proper training and socialization, French Bulldogs can be very friendly and affectionate pets.” - Dogster
