
  1. 历史原因:在19世纪,斗牛犬被用作斗牛犬的伴侣,为了防止它们在斗牛比赛中受伤,斗牛犬的尾巴常常被截断。这种做法逐渐演变成了一种习俗。

  2. 美观原因:一些斗牛犬的品种标准中,尾巴的长度和形状是评判标准之一。为了符合这些标准,许多繁殖者会选择断尾以使尾巴更短、更圆。

  3. 健康原因:尾巴截断可以减少斗牛犬尾巴上的毛发和皮肤褶皱,从而减少皮肤病的风险。

  4. 避免打斗:尾巴是斗牛犬表达情绪和打斗时的重要工具,截断尾巴可以减少它们在打斗时的伤害。


  • “The practice of docking the tails of French Bulldogs has been around for a long time, both for aesthetic reasons and to prevent injury during dogfights.” - DogTime

  • “In the past, it was believed that docking the tails of French Bulldogs could prevent them from being injured during dogfights.” - The Spruce Pets

  • “Tail docking is a common practice in many dog breeds, including the French Bulldog, to meet breed standards and to reduce the risk of certain health issues.” - PetMD
