
  1. 沉默寡言:通常活泼好动的法国斗牛犬如果变得沉默寡言,不愿意与人互动,可能是感到伤心或失落。

  2. 食欲下降:如果法国斗牛犬突然食欲不振,对食物没有兴趣,这可能是它情绪低落的表现。

  3. 睡眠过多:过度嗜睡也是法国斗牛犬伤心的一种迹象,它可能会比平时更多地寻求安静和休息。

  4. 行为改变:例如,它可能会变得过度警惕、焦虑或者害怕,甚至出现攻击性。

  5. 拉肚子或呕吐:有时候,狗狗的情绪问题也会导致消化系统的问题,如拉肚子或呕吐。

  6. 尿床:有些狗狗在感到伤心或压力时可能会出现尿床的情况。


  • “French Bulldogs can show signs of sadness by becoming less playful, eating less, or showing signs of stress.”

  • “If a French Bulldog is sad, they may not want to eat, sleep more than usual, or become withdrawn.”

  • “Changes in behavior, such as increased aggression or fearfulness, can also indicate that a French Bulldog is feeling down.”

  • “Some French Bulldogs may exhibit physical symptoms like diarrhea or vomiting when they are sad or stressed.”

  • “One common sign of a French Bulldog being sad is if they start to have accidents in the house, even if they were house-trained.”
