
  1. 雪爪是指法国斗牛犬的爪子中至少有四个是白色的。

  2. 这种特征在法国斗牛犬中并不罕见,大约有20%到30%的法国斗牛犬拥有雪爪。

  3. 雪爪可以是完全白色的,也可以是部分白色的。

  4. 雪爪是遗传的,通常与特定的基因变异有关。

  5. 拥有雪爪的法国斗牛犬可能同时拥有其他白色特征,如白色尾巴尖、白色胸部或白色面部斑纹。

  6. 雪爪并不影响狗的健康或行为,它只是一种外观特征。

  7. 在某些犬种注册机构中,雪爪可能会影响犬只的注册资格。


  • “Snowpaws” in French Bulldogs can be a result of a dominant white gene.

  • The appearance of snowpaws can vary greatly, from a few white toes to all four paws being completely white.

  • Some breeders may prefer dogs with snowpaws due to their distinctive look, while others may not consider it a significant trait.

  • It’s important to note that the presence of snowpaws does not necessarily indicate a higher or lower quality of the dog.