Natural Siamese cats, also known as traditional Siamese cats, are a breed that originated in Thailand, formerly known as Siam. They are known for their distinct blue almond-shaped eyes, a pointed coloration, and a sleek, muscular body. Here are some key characteristics and facts about this breed:

  1. Color Pointing: Natural Siamese cats exhibit a unique color pointing pattern, where the ears, face, paws, and tail are darker than the rest of the body. The color is typically a rich seal brown with a pale cream or white body.

  2. Blue Eyes: One of the breed’s defining features is their striking blue eyes, which are a result of the Siamese coloration gene.

  3. Sleek Body: They have a long, slender body with a muscular build, giving them a strong and agile appearance.

  4. Intelligent and Social: Siamese cats are known for their intelligence and sociability. They are often very affectionate and enjoy interacting with their owners.

  5. Voice: They are also known for their loud and expressive voice, often referred to as “meowing” or “yowling.”

  6. Health: Like all breeds, Siamese cats can be prone to certain health issues, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and eye problems. Regular veterinary care is important.

  7. History: The breed has a long history in Thailand, where it was revered and considered a symbol of good luck. It was only introduced to the West in the late 19th century.

  8. Varieties: While the natural Siamese is the original type, there are also several recognized varieties, including the Colorpoint, seal, chocolate, blue, lilac, and cinnamon.

  9. Grooming: They have a short, smooth coat that requires minimal grooming. Regular brushing helps to keep their coat healthy and free of tangles.

  10. Personality: Siamese cats are often described as lively, curious, and outgoing. They are known to be excellent companions for families and individuals who enjoy an active and interactive pet.

These characteristics make the natural Siamese cat a popular choice for those looking for a smart, affectionate, and visually striking pet.