
  1. 汗腺分布:暹罗猫的皮肤上分布有汗腺,尤其是在耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴周围和脚掌等部位。夏天天气炎热,猫咪通过这些汗腺分泌汗液来调节体温,导致这些部位的毛发变得湿润,看起来像是糊了一层。

  2. 体温调节:猫咪不像人类那样通过大量出汗来散热,它们主要通过呼吸、脚掌和舌头来散热。夏天高温时,猫咪可能会通过增加呼吸频率和舔舐身体来散热,这也会导致毛发变得湿润。

  3. 毛发结构:暹罗猫的毛发短而密集,这种毛发结构使得汗液和唾液等液体更容易附着在毛发上,形成糊状。

  4. 活动量增加:夏天天气适宜,猫咪可能会更加活跃,增加活动量,这也会导致它们通过汗腺和舌头散热,使得毛发看起来糊状。

  5. 饮食和饮水:夏天猫咪可能会因为天气热而增加饮水量,这也会导致唾液分泌增加,进一步使得毛发看起来湿润。


  • “Why do Siamese cats get sticky in the summer?” - A question on a pet forum discussing the reasons behind the sticky appearance of Siamese cats during hot weather.

  • “Siamese Cats and Heat: Why They Get Sticky” - An article explaining the physiological reasons why Siamese cats tend to get sticky in hot weather.

  • “How to Keep Your Siamese Cat Cool in the Summer” - A guide offering tips on how to help a Siamese cat stay cool and prevent them from getting too sticky during summer months.