Siamese Cat, also known as the Siamese, is a breed of domestic cat with a distinctive color pattern. Here are some names associated with the Siamese cat breed:

  1. Siamese

  2. Siamese Cat

  3. Blue Point Siamese

  4. Chocolate Point Siamese

  5. Red Point Siamese

  6. Cream Point Siamese

  7. Lynx Point Siamese

  8. Seal Point Siamese

  9. Flame Point Siamese

  10. Chocolate Lynx Point Siamese

  11. Red Lynx Point Siamese

  12. Cream Lynx Point Siamese

  13. Seal Lynx Point Siamese

  14. Flame Lynx Point Siamese

  15. Colorpoint Siamese

These names refer to the different color variations within the Siamese breed. The colorpoint pattern is characterized by darker coloration on the ears, face, paws, and tail, with the rest of the body being lighter.