
  1. 体型:传统暹罗猫体型中等,肌肉发达,骨骼结实。

  2. 毛色:暹罗猫的毛色以白色为主,面部、耳朵、脚和尾巴部分为深色,形成所谓的“重点色”或“点色”。

  3. 头部:头部为楔形,即尖锐且狭长,与身体比例协调。

  4. 眼睛:眼睛大而圆,颜色通常为铜色或蓝色,眼睛的位置较高,与头部的形状相匹配。

  5. 耳朵:耳朵大而直立,耳尖略微圆滑。

  6. 鼻子:鼻子短而直,与头部的形状相协调。

  7. 身体:身体修长,肌肉发达,四肢细长。

  8. 尾巴:尾巴长而细,尾端略微变粗。

  9. 性格:暹罗猫性格活泼、好奇,喜欢与人互动,是非常好的伴侣猫。

  10. 护理:由于暹罗猫的皮肤和毛发非常敏感,需要定期梳理以防止毛球形成,并保持皮肤健康。


  • “The Siamese cat is known for its distinctive color point pattern, with a light-colored body and darker points on the ears, face, paws, and tail. Their body is slim and athletic, with a wedge-shaped head and large, expressive eyes.” - PetMD

  • “Siamese cats are known for their striking appearance, with a sleek, muscular body and a color pattern that includes a pale body with darker points on the face, ears, paws, and tail. They have a distinctive blue eye color and a loud, distinctive voice.” - The Spruce Pets

  • “The Siamese cat is a breed of domestic cat characterized by a distinctive color point pattern. The body is slim and athletic, with a wedge-shaped head and large, expressive eyes. They are known for their intelligence, curiosity, and affectionate nature.” - Cat Fanciers’ Association
