
  1. 保持饮食温和:注射后,暹罗猫可能会感到不适,因此建议提供温和、易消化的食物。

  2. 选择合适的食物:选择高质量的猫粮,最好是无谷物或低敏配方,以减少对注射可能引起的消化不适的影响。

  3. 小量多餐:在注射后的24小时内,可以尝试将食物分成小份多次喂食,以减轻胃部压力。

  4. 保持水分:确保暹罗猫有充足的清水喝,即使它不太愿意喝,也要定期更换水碗。

  5. 观察行为:注意暹罗猫的行为和食欲,如果它表现出不愿意进食或食欲不振,可能需要联系兽医。

  6. 避免刺激性食物:在注射后的几天内,避免喂食油腻、辛辣或含有过多添加剂的食物。

  7. 适当休息:给予暹罗猫充足的休息时间,让它能够从注射中恢复。


  • “After a shot, it’s best to feed your Siamese cat a bland diet to avoid stomach upset. Offer small, frequent meals and ensure they have access to plenty of water.” - PetMD

  • “Keep your Siamese’s food simple and easy to digest, like cooked chicken or rice. Avoid any food that might upset their stomach, and make sure they’re well-hydrated.” - The Spruce Pets

  • “If your Siamese cat is not interested in eating after a shot, try to encourage them to eat by offering their favorite treats or wet food. If they continue to refuse food, contact your vet.” - VCA Animal Hospitals
