
  1. 苹果干:富含维生素和矿物质,但应去核以防窒息风险。

  2. 蔓越莓干:有助于泌尿系统健康,但同样需去核。

  3. 胡萝卜干:含有丰富的维生素A,对眼睛有益。

  4. 蓝莓干:含有丰富的抗氧化剂,有助于增强免疫力。

  5. 西梅干:含有天然糖分,但应适量,因为糖分较高。

  6. 番茄干:含有维生素C和番茄红素,但同样应去核。


  • 确保果蔬干没有添加糖、盐或其他对猫不利的成分。

  • 食用前应将果蔬干切碎,以便猫更容易咀嚼和消化。

  • 果蔬干应作为零食适量提供,不应替代猫的主食。

  • 观察猫对果蔬干的反应,如有不适应立即停止喂食。


  • “Apple chips are a healthy treat for cats, but they should be given in moderation and without the seeds, which can be a choking hazard.”

  • “Dried blueberries are a great source of antioxidants and can boost your cat’s immune system.”

  • “Carrot chips are a good source of vitamin A and can be a healthy snack for cats, but they should be cut into small pieces.”

  • “Dried plums, or prunes, can be a good source of fiber for cats, but they should be given in small amounts due to their high sugar content.”

  • “Always check the ingredients list on dried fruits to ensure there are no added sugars, flavors, or artificial preservatives that could be harmful to your cat.”